Why do they do it? How do they do it?
Inspiring stories from award winners and insights from Advisory Board members
Pioneering Sustainable Financial Services in the Somalia
After two decades of civil war, Somalia has regained some peace and stability, however economic institutions are weak and the country remains vulnerable to political, economic and environmental shocks. With a GDP per capita of $435 (2016) Somalia is significantly lower than the SSA average of $1,570. In addition, 73 % live in poverty, 80% lives in rural areas, and 43% live on $1/day.
Launch Good
“You can make a living serving humanity and serving God,” Christopher Blauvelt, founder and CEO of crowdfunding platform LaunchGood, said in a multimedia presentation to more than 300 people at the Ethical Finance Innovation Challenge and Awards (EFICA) event on Wednesday.
EFICA 2017 potentially “life and business-changing” for finalists
DUBAI - One business or individual will become $100,000 richer on November 15 as the fifth edition of the annual Ethical Finance Innovation Challenge and Awards (EFICA) takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
How does Islamic social finance contribute to the broader ethical finance market?
Daud Vicary Abdullah shares his experience as an advisory board member of EFICA
How can Islamic fintech help to address corporate responsibility?
Ethis Ventures, an Islamic crowdfunding company recently announced they had become a signatory of the UN Global Compact.
Community Sourced Capital
Rachel Maxwell introduces the crowd-sourced peer-to-peer lending platform, Community Sourced Capital (CSC), which she cofounded, helping to address difficulties in accessing investment capital for small US business owners.
The Islamic Finance Council UK
Thomson Reuters interviewed Chris Tait from the The Islamic Finance Council, recipients of EFICA’s 2015 Islamic Finance Industry Development Award, to discover more about the pioneering UK-based group and their unique capabilities.